Personal Values

Welcome To Stuck In A Truck: Personal Values Hi, good morning, this is Steve Greenhalgh from How are you? Regular content updates every Wednesday which you can be alerted to about by subscribing to my YouTube channel here. Just look for the bell...

Three And A Half ON!

Seriously?    I couldn't believe it … I had been nervous about weigh in As I climbed off the scales the denial hit me square in the face… But as I sat and reviewed the previous 7 days, certain tell tale signs were there You may have heard the saying...

Target Reset… Let’s Move It!

So after a serious chat with Toni, my Slimming World Representative. I have re-set my target weight as I thought I would last week. It is quite challenging to know what weight I need to be to achieve the desired out come … However we have left things flexible...

To Target & Beyond

You may remember that even at my first weigh in… I was not happy to set a weight target Instead I set a size / waist measurement. As you can see I wanted to be 35″ waist … but even more specifically, I wanted to buy a 36″waist Trouser from...