Welcome To Stuck In A Truck: How To Create The Winning Habits
Hey, Steve Greenhalgh here from StuckInATruck.com
I wanted to talk about habit creation, mainly about the benefits, but also a little bit about the process of creating a habit. So, what is a habit?
It's something that we do regularly, repetitively and in exactly the same way. Habitual work or habit creation is an essential tool for the human being moving forward.
The whole point of creating habitual patterns is it saves huge amounts of energy. This is because the bit between our ears is probably the most inefficient calorific consumer in the body.
It takes an awful lot of fuel to run this conscious brain up here. If we can train our muscles and our subconscious to perform, sometimes mundane tasks, but any sort of task from a perspective of we're not conscious of what we do.
We then we save ourselves an awful lot of thought. It becomes safer, because if we maintain the habit and we maintain that working pattern, we tend not to forget essential steps.
Then you probably say, “Oh, I don't do anything like that. I'm not a machine.”
You Don't Think About How To Change Gears!
Well, if you drive, when was the last time you actually went through the process of, I'm going to change gears?
Do you then say to yourself I've got to let the power off, put my foot down on the clutch, see where the stick is, move it to the next gear, start easing the power and foot back off the clutch, and there we go. You don't!
Changing gears is habitual. You don't even recognize, A, that you're doing it, or B, the signals that you need to change gear. You don't recognize engine rate, engine speed.
You recognize it when you're thrashing the bollocks off it, but you don't recognize it in any normal situation. So, by creating the habit it becomes more efficient and it also frees up our mental capacity for getting other work done.
What's Life Like On The Road?
The amount of time I spend in this little eight by eight by eight tin box, a lot of people go, “What do you do all day?”
Well, I drive a wagon and I do it safely and I'm very aware of what I'm doing, but the actual process of driving is habitual.
I'm probably not even consciously aware of traffic signals or other indicators that I pick up on automatically.
I just respond on auto pilot, and that is why these mobile phones are so dangerous because it's distracting the habit part of the brain from performing and you miss…
I remember when I worked at Fisher, we were like on rails. The customers could tell what time of day it was when the fishing lorry arrived and I'd be talking to a colleague on the phone and go flying past or even worse, on auto pilot.
I would call into a customer that I didn't have on the manifest for that day. And the store man would come bimbling out going, “What are you doing here?”
“Oh, I've been sent in for some empties you've got to go back.” “I haven't gotten the empties to go back.” “Are you sure?”
“Oh bloody paperwork in the office can't keep up” and embarrassingly, I turn around and drive out. I only drove in there because I was distracted on the phone and just went in on autopilot.
Creating Habits Makes Daily Routines Become Second Nature
So habits can keep us safe and habits can get the job done more efficiently. I know when we were moving big static caravans around me and Max and later Chris, my second man, we would work in a very set routine.
We knew who had to put ramps on, we knew who had to put chains on. We knew who jacked up.
We knew who put blocks in, who strapped and from when I first loaded a caravan and it took nearly an hour, we could arrive, ramps down, stands under, load, everything back and be gone in 20 minutes.
Now we didn't think consciously about what we were doing, we just slipped into the process.
We were very safe because we knew exactly what each of us was responsible for. Habitually we knew what to do and at the end of it we'd walk around and check each other's work and it was great.
When Other People Put A Spanner In The Works
It used to really upset both me and Chris and Max when we'd be in the yard and we were trying to load a caravan and one of the others would come and start interfering and… well not interfering, trying to help.
Maybe putting a jack under or putting blocks in the wrong place or just thinking they were helping and I'd snap or Max would snap or Chris would say, “Just leave us to it, we'll be far quicker.”
Because we had a routine and by working to that routine, by working to that pattern, we knew exactly where we were, what we had to do.
We didn't have to think about it and we just got on and it's like our hands knew where we were and we could just get the job done really fast, really efficient.
I remember going up to Kilingham and dropping vans there for export. We could pull up, ramps down, caravan off, job done and we put it on a 30 minute break and we'd have 15 minutes in the cab having tipped the caravan and put the back together.
It becomes so efficient. So how do you form a habit? Number one, you set the intention.
How Habits Helped My Weight Loss Journey
Certainly when I was in the middle of my weight loss habits where the thing that saved me. I couldn't move on in the day without rowing at a special specific time, 15 minutes row.
It was so ingrained that I could as soon not do that as not go to the toilet when I need to. It becomes such a critical part of the daily routines.
It's like brushing your teeth. How many of us physically consciously think, “Oh, I've got to get up, wash my face, brush my teeth.” You just do it.
I remember again, when I was working at Fisher, the morning routine, get up in the dark, go downstairs, light on, have a wash, clean your teeth, put the flask together, get your bag, get your sandwiches.
You'd pick up everything and before you left you'd just go, yeah, got got, got, ta, taco.
The only times I ever went to work and I'd left my card in the house or some integral piece of equipment or my coat was if somebody had got up with me.
Then distracted me and it broke the chain of events and interrupted that habit formed process.
How Do You Form A Habit?
So habits and habit creation, getting something into the form of a habit.
If you know that you have to do regular tasks at certain times of the day, the week, the month to achieve whatever goal you're setting yourself.
Creating the habitual behavior is the single most important tool that you can use to achieve what you want to happen.
If you want to create a steady income flow by creating adverts that convert to paying customers and you know that you have to produce a piece of content three times a week.
If you set the intention, you set a time and you grow a habit of sitting down, it's like when I do lives.
The only time I miss a live on Facebook if I'm stuck in a truck route is if I'm distracted away from a normal pattern of behavior and that can be a person talking to me just the wrong time. It can be a phone call.
It can be an extra piece of work that I wasn't anticipating that I have to respond to.
If you create the habit, you will achieve the results. Now underneath this video, I'll put a couple of audiobook titles around habit creation that really helped me, and these are real.
If you're looking to become successful in terms of wealth creation, creating wealth forming habits is probably the single most important key to the whole puzzle.
Consistency, being regular in all that you do, consistent habits is the one thing that distinguishes successful people from the also rans.
So if you're looking to become the next successful person in the world, get good at creating habits, create the right habits, and you'll be on your way.
How I Can Help
I have shared with you how habits have been intrinsic to my daily routines and the succss that I have achieved.
If you feel that you are all over the place and have no structure, then it's likely you have not created any meaningful habits.
That's the bad news, now for the good news as I can help!
If anything I've said interests you, if you want to speak to me about helping you develop those winning habits, that's great.
I do an introductory two-hour coaching call for about £195, sterling.
To book your discovery session click this button
My name's Steve Greenhalgh from stuckinatruck.com I look forward to helping you create some of the best habits you can ever imagine.
If anything I've said interests you, by all means,
Book That Call
Take Care
Do yourself a massive favour Break Those Chains!
You Can Contact Steve Greenhalgh By Email use steve@steve-greenhalgh.com
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